Friday, December 08, 2006


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Shark dive...sharks were easy...almost killed by a turtle!

Steve, Vanita, and Kate going in...

Sharks are wimps...

rays...big barbs on them...

Turtles were the most dangerous. One got caught in my regulator and about drowned me. More photos...

Monday, November 27, 2006

More Photos...

an Echidna...

Soft and cuddly...but the white things are like a porcupine barb...careful

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tasmania...nothing like anything you've ever seen!

Went off to Tasmania Friday and returned Monday to Sydney. Flew in to Hobart at the southeast and drove up to the northwest to Cradle Mountain. Then drove back via Strahan to Hobart.

Hobart is a very attractive working fishing port village. Close to the size of Portland Maine with 190,000 inhabitants. Also the closest port to Antarctica so alot of vessels (scientific and other) work out of Hobart. The southeast was very dry and arid. The central highlands were also dry but is the highlands lake district. Several large lakes populated with what appear to be fishing shack villages. Spoke with a trout fishing guide and he advised they were in fact fishing and hunting camps. When asked what they hunt he stated birds, deer, and walloughbie. The deer are Fallow deer. Brown trout are in the 1 pond range but at a few secluded spots can reach 12-14lb. Largest he has seen is 24#. January is the best season. To early at present to fish in that area except with spinner bait.
Travelling back thru the southwest appeared to be more the fishing rivers and streams expected for trout fishing. The highland lakes have Atlantic Salmon, Brown Trout, and Rainbow Trout.

The north central region was populated by dairy farms. Some of the most lush and stunningly beautiful countryside I have ever seen. Large tracts of land with rolling green hills surrounded by rainforest with mountain peaks in the background.

Animals seen to date: kangaroos, walloughbies (of several varieties), wombats (came face to face at 5' with a wombat on one of my hikes. They run very fast and are very humorous to watch), echidnas, opossums, ring tailed bandicoots, pademelons. May try to see koalas Wednesday. Most photos are in my camera on film. These are some from Eddie's camera:

...a walloughby

...James' Aunt Vanita. Don't let her catch you eating a Rice Crispy Treat!

Cradle Mountain...

Monday, November 20, 2006


This morning started with a hike up the main hill on Scotland Island at 6 AM. Cockatoos, kookaburra's, parrots. like an aviary at the zoo. Then Eddie and Vanita off to work. Took the ferry over to pick up Vanita's "tinnie" (about a 12' aluminum dinghy with a 25HP motor) as is was getting anti foul paint looked at. Brought that back to Scotland Island for them. Better than driving a car. Don't have to worry about which side of the road you are on. Just look out for the bigger boats and ferries. Came through a massive swarm of jelly fish on the way back.
Only one white back spider in the house I've seen so far. They say there is a tunnel web spider in the bathroom, but I haven't gone nosing around looking for it. Some pictures:

This is Scotland Island fron the "tinnie"

This is closer to the island. Sailboats everwhere
No wonder we can't win the America's Cup.

The morning walk...birds galore and walking (sweating down the hill)
that's an ants nest behind the kookaburra by the way.

This the back of Eddie and Vanita's house on the island.
The water tanks are for all house water. Collect rain water off the roof, then pump mit up hill to gravity fed tanks above the house. 176 acre island, 350 families live here, all have water tanks feedingt their house this way. For fire the use your tank for your house. You'd love this Earl. Think about fire logistics!

More photos: cockatoo and Kipper and Huss the new Solicitor firm in Manly. Eddie Kipper and me in Manly with Sydney behind us if you can see it.

Kate Ogden on my surprising her at her work.


On the first day I toured Sydney with Eddie. Water based city. Ferries all over. Wouln't probably see this as a fly in true tourist. You'd stay downtown in a hotel and see the opera house. Not the pubs accessible by ferry. Similar to South Floride. actually...bit of a sunburn. Biggest problem of the day for me was direction and times. Brought a compass, but the sun goes to the north of you not the South... real issue.

Surprised Kate at the bar she waorks at. Then her Aunt Jackie came in. Total shock. My camera is not's some of Eddie's pictures.

Wildlife so far...bats, owls, turkey vultures, wild cockatoos, cookaburra birds. Kangaroos tomorrow.